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from our CEO for you.

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What to Expect

- Demo Growth Leader 360
- Share customer stories
- Set up free account with 10 free Growth Leader 360

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Product - Growth Leader 360

The Growth Leader 360 gives deep insights & actionable insights

A dynamic 360 that is easier, faster, and less costly to scale

“The Growth Leader 360 helped stakeholders see different aspects of my capabilities. Their feedback and feed forward was very helpful!”

- People Manager

“Produgie’s 360 is gold; you cannot believe how much money is spent administering 360s.”

- Talent Director

Enable Feed Forward Specific to Role Levels and Challenges
Role specific insights with future-focused advice, insights and support to motivate action.
Lower Costs with a
Self-Served 360

Enable leaders with a self-serve, quarterly GL360 and track their progress.
Improve Talent Strategy with Live Analytics
Access aggregate views of GL360 data instantaneously for training needs analyses and workforce planning. Use tags and filters for deeper analytics.
Purchase Optional Leader Services
Differentially invest with personalized support while everyone gets premium services! Everyone gets premium digital services!
Feed Forward

Leaders receive detailed advice and suggestion for improvement; AI assistant makes it easier and less time consuming for colleague to write
Future-Focused Insights & Development
Produgie’s Growth Leader 360 prepares leaders for bigger challenges with others’ support.
Achieve Success
Access human and AI support to deploy the software where and when you need it. Produgie delivers a complete solution with proven impact.
Embedded Leader Analytics
Access aggregate views of GL360 data instantaneously for training needs analyses and workforce planning. Use tags and filters for deeper analytics.
Personalized support for free
User access guides, plus human guidance (for free) to help understand their Growth Leader 360 Report - but it’s so easy this is seldom needed!
Multiply Your Managers’ Impact
Produgie software helps your managers sustain performance without burnout. It makes it easier for them to impact employee engagement and culture.